Break text to new line in database

There are several ways to break text to a new line in a database, depending on the database management system (DBMS) you are using. Here are a few common methods:

1. Using the newline character (\n or \r\n)

In many DBMSs, you can use the newline character (\n or \r\n) to break text to a new line. For example:

2. Using the CHAR function

In some DBMSs, you can use the CHAR function to create a newline character. For example:

3. Using a regular expression

In some DBMSs, you can use a regular expression to replace newline characters with a new line. For example:

4. Using a stored procedure or function

In some DBMSs, you can create a stored procedure or function to break text to a new line. For example:

Remember to replace table_name and column_name with the actual names of your table and column. Also, be careful when updating data in a database, as it can have unintended consequences if not done properly.