Break plate new year

The tradition of breaking plates on New Year's Eve!

Breaking plates on New Year's Eve is a popular tradition in many cultures, particularly in Spain, Italy, and Greece. The idea behind it is to symbolize the breaking away from the old year and making room for the new one. Here are some possible reasons why people break plates on New Year's Eve:

  1. Goodbye to the old: Breaking plates is a way to bid farewell to the old year and all its troubles, worries, and stress. It's a symbolic act of letting go and moving on.
  2. Welcome the new: By breaking plates, people are making room for the new year, which is often associated with hope, renewal, and positivity. It's a way to welcome the new year with open arms.
  3. Luck and prosperity: In some cultures, breaking plates is believed to bring good luck and prosperity in the coming year. The shards of broken plates are thought to resemble coins, which symbolize wealth and abundance.
  4. Noise and celebration: Let's not forget the sheer joy and excitement of breaking plates! It's a fun and festive way to celebrate the start of a new year with friends and family.

Some popular ways to break plates on New Year's Eve include:

  1. Throwing plates: People throw plates against a wall, floor, or other hard surface to create a loud noise and shatter them into pieces.
  2. Smashing plates: Some individuals use a hammer or other blunt object to smash plates into smaller pieces.
  3. Dropping plates: Others simply drop plates from a height, allowing them to shatter on impact.

Remember to be mindful of the noise level and any potential damage when breaking plates. It's also important to clean up the mess afterwards to avoid any accidents or injuries.

So, will you be breaking plates on New Year's Eve?