Bread seller in trouble for spending fake naira notes

It sounds like the bread seller in question has gotten themselves into a bit of a pickle!

Apparently, they were caught using fake naira notes to make purchases, which is a serious offense in Nigeria. The authorities are likely to take action against them, and it's possible that they could face fines, imprisonment, or even both.

It's understandable that the bread seller might have been tempted to use fake money, especially if they were struggling financially or needed to make ends meet. However, using counterfeit currency is illegal and can have serious consequences for both the individual and the economy as a whole.

I hope the bread seller learns a valuable lesson from this experience and takes steps to get back on the right track. Maybe they can even use this as an opportunity to start fresh and build a more stable financial future for themselves.

What do you think about this situation? Should the bread seller be held accountable for their actions, or do you think they deserve a second chance?