Brazils national museum hit by huge fire #

A devastating news!

Yes, you're referring to the National Museum of Brazil, which is located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. On September 2, 2018, a massive fire broke out at the museum, causing significant damage to the historic building and its vast collections.

The fire, which started around 8:30 pm local time, quickly spread throughout the museum, engulfing the building and destroying much of its contents. The museum, which was founded in 1818, housed over 20 million items, including artifacts, fossils, and cultural treasures.

The museum's collection included many significant items, such as:

  1. The oldest human remains found in Brazil, dating back around 11,000 years.
  2. Fossils of prehistoric animals, including a giant ground sloth.
  3. Artifacts from the indigenous peoples of Brazil.
  4. A vast collection of natural history specimens, including over 3 million insects.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation, but it's believed to have started in the museum's storage area. The fire department responded quickly, but the damage was extensive, and the museum's contents were largely destroyed.

The loss is not only a cultural tragedy but also a scientific one, as many of the items were unique and irreplaceable. The museum's staff and researchers are still trying to assess the extent of the damage and recover what they can from the ashes.

The National Museum of Brazil was a beloved institution in Brazil, and its loss is a significant blow to the country's cultural and scientific heritage.