Brazilian news blogs

Here are some popular Brazilian news blogs:

  1. O Globo ( - A leading Brazilian news website, part of the Globo media group.
  2. Folha de S.Paulo ( - A major Brazilian newspaper's online edition, covering national and international news.
  3. G1 ( - A news website from the Globo media group, with a focus on national and international news.
  4. Estadão ( - A leading Brazilian newspaper's online edition, covering national and international news.
  5. Correio Braziliense ( - A news website from the Correio Braziliense newspaper, covering national and international news.
  6. O Estado de S. Paulo ( - A leading Brazilian newspaper's online edition, covering national and international news.
  7. Folha Online ( - A news website from the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, covering national and international news.
  8. Bolsa de Notícias ( - A news website covering national and international news, with a focus on business and economics.
  9. Agência Brasil ( - The official news agency of the Brazilian government, providing news and information on government activities.
  10. Portal Brasil ( - A news website from the Brazilian government, covering national and international news, as well as government activities.
  11. Jornal do Brasil ( - A news website from the Jornal do Brasil newspaper, covering national and international news.
  12. O Estado ( - A news website from the O Estado newspaper, covering national and international news.
  13. Diário do Comércio ( - A news website covering national and international news, with a focus on business and economics.
  14. Valor Econômico ( - A news website covering national and international news, with a focus on business and economics.
  15. Carta Capital ( - A news website covering national and international news, with a focus on politics and economics.

Please note that some of these websites may have a paywall or require registration to access certain content.