Brazil official news stations facebook pages

Here are some official Facebook pages of news stations in Brazil:

  1. Globo: Globo is one of the largest and most popular media conglomerates in Brazil. Their Facebook page has over 10 million followers. Facebook page
  2. Folha de S.Paulo: Folha de S.Paulo is a leading Brazilian newspaper based in São Paulo. Their Facebook page has over 2 million followers. Facebook page
  3. O Globo: O Globo is a major Brazilian newspaper based in Rio de Janeiro. Their Facebook page has over 1.5 million followers. Facebook page
  4. Estadão: Estadão is a Brazilian newspaper based in São Paulo. Their Facebook page has over 1.5 million followers. Facebook page
  5. Correio Braziliense: Correio Braziliense is a Brazilian newspaper based in Brasília. Their Facebook page has over 1 million followers. Facebook page
  6. Folha Online: Folha Online is the online version of Folha de S.Paulo newspaper. Their Facebook page has over 1 million followers. Facebook page
  7. G1: G1 is a news website and TV channel owned by Globo. Their Facebook page has over 1 million followers. Facebook page
  8. UOL Notícias: UOL Notícias is a news website owned by Universo Online (UOL). Their Facebook page has over 500,000 followers. Facebook page
  9. R7: R7 is a news website and TV channel owned by Rede Record. Their Facebook page has over 500,000 followers. Facebook page
  10. BBC Brasil: BBC Brasil is the Brazilian branch of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Their Facebook page has over 200,000 followers. Facebook page

Please note that the number of followers may vary as it's subject to change over time.