Brazil official news

Here are some official news sources from Brazil:

  1. Agência Brasil (Brazilian News Agency): The official news agency of the Brazilian government, providing news and information on politics, economy, culture, and more.
  2. Portal da Transparência (Transparency Portal): A website that provides information on government spending, contracts, and other public data, as required by law.
  3. Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública (Ministry of Justice and Public Security): The official website of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, providing news and information on justice, security, and human rights.
  4. Ministério da Educação (Ministry of Education): The official website of the Ministry of Education, providing news and information on education, higher education, and research.
  5. Ministério da Saúde (Ministry of Health): The official website of the Ministry of Health, providing news and information on health, disease prevention, and healthcare services.
  6. Presidência da República (Presidency of the Republic): The official website of the President of Brazil, providing news and information on the President's activities, speeches, and initiatives.
  7. Câmara dos Deputados (Chamber of Deputies): The official website of the Chamber of Deputies, providing news and information on legislative activities, bills, and debates.
  8. Senado Federal (Federal Senate): The official website of the Federal Senate, providing news and information on legislative activities, bills, and debates.
  9. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics): The official website of IBGE, providing news and information on statistics, demographics, and economic indicators.
  10. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (National Agency of Sanitary Vigilance): The official website of ANVISA, providing news and information on public health, food safety, and pharmaceuticals.

These are just a few examples of official news sources from Brazil. There are many more government agencies, ministries, and institutions that provide news and information on various topics.