Brazen careerist the new rules for success

"Brazen Careerist: The New Rules for Success" is a book written by Penelope Trunk, a career coach and entrepreneur. The book was published in 2007 and has since become a popular guide for young professionals looking to succeed in their careers.

The book's central idea is that traditional notions of career success, such as finding a stable job and climbing the corporate ladder, are no longer relevant in today's fast-changing job market. Instead, Trunk argues that success is about being bold, taking risks, and being willing to adapt to new situations.

The book is organized around 10 "rules" for success, which include:

  1. Don't be afraid to take risks: Trunk argues that playing it safe is not a recipe for success, and that taking calculated risks is often necessary to achieve your goals.
  2. Be willing to learn: Trunk emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement, and suggests that people should be willing to learn new skills and take on new challenges.
  3. Don't be afraid to fail: Trunk argues that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and that people should be willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes.
  4. Build a personal brand: Trunk suggests that people should create a personal brand that reflects their values, skills, and interests, and use this brand to market themselves to potential employers and clients.
  5. Network strategically: Trunk argues that networking is an important part of career success, and suggests that people should focus on building relationships with people who can help them achieve their goals.
  6. Don't be afraid to ask for help: Trunk emphasizes the importance of asking for help and seeking guidance from others, and suggests that people should be willing to ask for help when they need it.
  7. Be authentic: Trunk argues that authenticity is key to success, and suggests that people should be true to themselves and not try to be someone they're not.
  8. Don't be afraid to take a break: Trunk suggests that people should be willing to take breaks and step away from their work when they need to recharge and refocus.
  9. Be willing to pivot: Trunk argues that people should be willing to pivot and adjust their plans when circumstances change, and suggests that flexibility is key to success.
  10. Don't be afraid to be different: Trunk emphasizes the importance of being different and standing out from the crowd, and suggests that people should be willing to take risks and be bold in their careers.

Overall, "Brazen Careerist" is a book that challenges traditional notions of career success and offers practical advice for young professionals looking to succeed in today's fast-changing job market.