Branham new beginning

The New Beginning!

The New Beginning is a significant event in the Branham Tabernacle, a Pentecostal church founded by William Marrion Branham, an American evangelist and faith healer. The event took place on June 13, 1963, at the Jeffersonville, Indiana, tabernacle.

According to Branham's teachings, the New Beginning was a divine revelation that marked the beginning of a new era in the history of the church. Branham believed that God had given him a special message, which he received through a vision, to announce the arrival of the "New Beginning."

The message was that God was about to pour out His Spirit upon the church, and that a new era of spiritual awakening and revival was about to begin. Branham believed that this event would mark the beginning of the end times, and that it would be a time of great spiritual upheaval and transformation.

The New Beginning was characterized by a series of unusual events, including:

  1. A sudden and intense outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which was accompanied by loud noises, shaking, and trembling.
  2. A sense of spiritual awakening and renewal, which was felt by many in the congregation.
  3. A series of visions and revelations that Branham received, which he believed were from God.
  4. A change in the tone and emphasis of Branham's sermons, which became more intense and urgent.

The New Beginning had a profound impact on the Branham Tabernacle and the wider Pentecostal movement. It led to a significant increase in attendance and a renewed sense of spiritual fervor among the congregation. Many people reported experiencing miraculous healings, visions, and other supernatural phenomena during this time.

However, the New Beginning also led to controversy and division within the church. Some critics accused Branham of being a false prophet and of using his message to manipulate and control his followers. Others believed that the event was a genuine manifestation of God's power and presence.

Regardless of one's perspective on the New Beginning, it remains an important event in the history of the Branham Tabernacle and the Pentecostal movement. It continues to be celebrated and remembered by many as a significant moment of spiritual awakening and transformation.