Brand new house box

A brand new house box! That's exciting!

A house box, also known as a housewarming gift box, is a thoughtful way to welcome someone to their new home. It's a collection of items that can help them settle in, feel comfortable, and make their new space feel like home.

Here are some ideas for a brand new house box:


  1. A set of nice notecards or stationery for writing thank-you notes or sending updates to friends and family.
  2. A scented candle or essential oil diffuser to create a cozy atmosphere.
  3. A set of luxurious bath towels or a plush bathrobe for relaxation.
  4. A bottle of wine or champagne to celebrate the new home.

Practical items:

  1. A set of kitchen utensils, such as a silicone spatula, a garlic press, or a set of measuring spoons.
  2. A set of cleaning supplies, like all-purpose cleaners, disinfectant wipes, or a microfiber cloth.
  3. A set of storage bins or baskets to help organize the new space.
  4. A set of nice kitchen towels or a tea towel with a cute design.

Personal touches:

  1. A personalized item, such as a monogrammed doormat, a customized picture frame, or a personalized cutting board.
  2. A book or magazine that reflects the homeowner's interests or hobbies.
  3. A plant or a bouquet of fresh flowers to brighten up the space.
  4. A gift card to a local restaurant or coffee shop to encourage exploration of the new neighborhood.

Other ideas:

  1. A gift certificate for a home maintenance or repair service, like a handyman or a plumber.
  2. A subscription to a streaming service or a music platform to provide entertainment.
  3. A gift card to a home decor store or an online marketplace to help with decorating.
  4. A fun or unique item that reflects the homeowner's personality, such as a quirky decorative piece or a fun kitchen gadget.

Remember, the key is to be thoughtful and considerate of the homeowner's tastes and preferences. You can also include a heartfelt note or card to make the gift even more special.