Brand new heavies

The Brand New Heavies! A legendary British acid jazz and trip hop band known for their infectious grooves, soulful vocals, and genre-bending sound. Here's a brief rundown:

History: Formed in 1985 in London, the band consisted of brothers Andrew and James Reynolds (guitar and bass), N'Dea Davenport (vocals), and Simon Bartholomew (drums). They were part of the acid jazz movement, which emerged in the UK in the late 1980s.

Music style: The Brand New Heavies blended elements of jazz, funk, soul, and hip-hop to create a unique sound. Their music often featured catchy hooks, laid-back beats, and virtuosic instrumental solos.

Notable songs and albums: Some of their most popular tracks include:

Their debut album, "Brand New Heavies" (1991), was a critical and commercial success, followed by "Heavy Rhyme" (1992), "Brother Sister" (1994), and "Trunk Funk" (1996).

Impact: The Brand New Heavies have been credited with helping to popularize the acid jazz genre and influencing a wide range of artists, from trip hop pioneers like Massive Attack and Tricky to contemporary acts like Jamiroquai and Daft Punk.

Legacy: The band has undergone several lineup changes over the years, with Andrew Reynolds being the only constant member. Despite this, they continue to release new music and perform live, maintaining their reputation as one of the most innovative and influential bands of the 1990s.

If you're new to the Brand New Heavies, I recommend starting with their debut album or some of their most popular singles. Their music is sure to transport you back to the golden age of acid jazz and trip hop!