Brand new cherry flavor episode 4

You're referring to the popular anime series "Brand New Cherry Flavor"!

Episode 4 of "Brand New Cherry Flavor" is titled "The Taste of Desire" and it continues to explore the complex relationships between the characters.

Without giving away too many spoilers, here's a brief summary of what you can expect from Episode 4:

The episode delves deeper into the backstory of Lisa Nova, the protagonist, and her complicated past. We see flashbacks of her childhood and her relationships with her family members, which help to shed light on her motivations and personality.

Meanwhile, Lisa's relationships with her friends and acquaintances continue to evolve. She becomes closer to Ryan, the charming and enigmatic bartender, while also struggling with her feelings for her best friend, Zee.

The episode also introduces a new character, a mysterious and alluring woman named Catherine, who seems to be connected to Lisa's past. As the episode unfolds, we see Lisa's world becoming increasingly complicated and surreal, with hints of magic and mystery lurking beneath the surface.

Overall, Episode 4 of "Brand New Cherry Flavor" is a thought-provoking and visually stunning installment that explores themes of identity, desire, and the power of storytelling. If you're enjoying the series so far, you'll likely find this episode to be just as captivating and unsettling as the previous ones!