Brand new bulldozer price

The price of a brand new bulldozer can vary greatly depending on the make, model, size, and features. Here are some approximate price ranges for new bulldozers from various manufacturers:

Compact Bulldozers (less than 50 HP)

Medium-Sized Bulldozers (50-100 HP)

Large Bulldozers (100-200 HP)

Extra-Large Bulldozers (200-300 HP)

Super-Large Bulldozers (300-400 HP)

Specialty Bulldozers (e.g. mining, forestry)

Please note that these prices are approximate and can vary depending on the region, dealer, and any customizations or attachments. It's also worth noting that used bulldozers can be significantly cheaper, with prices ranging from $50,000 to $500,000 or more, depending on the age, condition, and model.