Brand new 4matic 2008 price

The 2008 Mercedes-Benz C-Class 4MATIC (all-wheel drive) was a popular model, and its price has fluctuated over the years. Here are some approximate price ranges for a brand new 2008 Mercedes-Benz C-Class 4MATIC:

Please note that these prices are approximate and may vary depending on the location, dealership, and any customizations or options added to the vehicle. Additionally, these prices do not include any incentives, rebates, or discounts that may have been available at the time of purchase.

It's also worth noting that the prices mentioned above are for brand new vehicles, and the prices of used 2008 Mercedes-Benz C-Class 4MATIC models may be significantly lower. If you're in the market for a used vehicle, I recommend researching prices in your local market and considering factors such as mileage, condition, and maintenance records.