Brand new

"Brand New" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Newly created or produced: Something that has just been made, created, or manufactured, and has never existed before. Example: "The brand new smartphone is available for pre-order."
  2. Fresh and unused: Something that has never been used or worn before, and is still in its original packaging or condition. Example: "I just got a brand new bike and I'm excited to take it for a ride."
  3. Innovative or modern: Something that is new and different from what has come before, often with a focus on technology or design. Example: "The brand new restaurant in town is getting rave reviews for its unique menu and trendy atmosphere."
  4. Unreleased or upcoming: Something that has not yet been released or made available to the public, but is expected to be soon. Example: "The brand new album from my favorite artist is dropping next month and I can't wait to listen to it."

Which of these meanings were you thinking of?