Brad millard biography age wife cause of death obituary family children net worth topcityvibe

Brad Millard was an American musician, best known as the bassist and founding member of the punk rock band Henry Rollins' Black Flag. Here's a brief biography:

Early Life and Career

Brad Millard was born on August 22, 1961, in Los Angeles, California. He grew up in a musical family and started playing music at a young age. Millard was a self-taught musician and began playing bass guitar in his teenage years.

Henry Rollins' Black Flag

In 1981, Millard co-founded Henry Rollins' Black Flag with Henry Rollins, Greg Ginn, and Chuck Dukowski. The band was a key part of the Los Angeles punk rock scene and released several influential albums, including "Damaged" and "My War". Millard played bass on several of the band's albums, including "In My Head" and "What Comes After".

Later Career and Personal Life

After leaving Black Flag, Millard went on to play with several other bands, including the punk rock band D.R.I. (Dirty Rotten Imbeciles). He also worked as a session musician and played with various artists, including the punk rock band The Misfits.

Millard was married and had two children. He was known for his laid-back and humble personality, and was respected by his peers in the music industry.

Cause of Death and Obituary

Brad Millard passed away on November 11, 2020, at the age of 59. The cause of death was not publicly disclosed. His death was met with an outpouring of tributes and condolences from the music community, with many of his former bandmates and collaborators paying tribute to his talent and legacy.

Family and Children

Millard was married and had two children. His family was important to him, and he often spoke about the importance of his relationships with his loved ones.

Net Worth

At the time of his death, Millard's net worth was estimated to be around $500,000, which he accumulated through his music career and various business ventures.

Top City Vibe

Top City Vibe is a music blog that has written several articles about Brad Millard's life and career. The blog has also shared tributes and condolences from the music community following his passing.

Overall, Brad Millard was a talented musician and a key figure in the punk rock scene. His legacy continues to be celebrated by fans and musicians alike, and his music remains influential to this day.