Boys brigade new drill book

The Boys' Brigade (BB) is a Christian youth organization that aims to develop character, leadership, and spiritual growth in young people. The organization has a rich history and tradition, and its drill book is an essential part of its activities.

The Boys' Brigade New Drill Book is a comprehensive guide that outlines the organization's drill and ceremonial procedures. The book is designed to help BB officers and leaders teach their members the skills and discipline required to participate in BB activities, including drill, parades, and other ceremonial events.

Here are some key features of the Boys' Brigade New Drill Book:

  1. Drill procedures: The book outlines the basic drill procedures, including the proper way to stand, march, and move as a team. It also covers more advanced drills, such as the "About Turn" and the "Right Turn".
  2. Ceremonial procedures: The book provides guidance on ceremonial procedures, including the proper way to present the BB flag, perform the "Last Post", and conduct other ceremonial events.
  3. Uniform and equipment: The book outlines the proper way to wear the BB uniform and use equipment, such as the BB sword and bugle.
  4. Drill commands: The book provides a list of drill commands, including "Attention", "Stand at Ease", and "Dismissed".
  5. Tips and advice: The book offers tips and advice for officers and leaders on how to teach and practice drill, as well as how to handle common issues that may arise during drill activities.

The Boys' Brigade New Drill Book is an essential resource for any BB officer or leader who wants to teach their members the skills and discipline required to participate in BB activities. It is also a valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn more about the history and traditions of the Boys' Brigade.

If you're interested in obtaining a copy of the Boys' Brigade New Drill Book, you can contact the Boys' Brigade headquarters or a local BB company. The book is available in print and digital formats, and it is also available for download from the BB website.