Boy scouts new name

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has announced that it will be changing its name to Scouts BSA, effective February 2019. The new name is intended to be more inclusive and to reflect the organization's evolution towards a more gender-neutral and inclusive environment.

The BSA has been facing pressure to change its name and policies to be more inclusive of girls and non-binary youth. In 2018, the organization announced that it would be allowing girls to join its programs, and the new name is seen as a step towards greater inclusivity.

The new name, Scouts BSA, is intended to be more neutral and to emphasize the organization's focus on scouting and outdoor adventure, rather than gender. The organization has also introduced a new logo and branding to reflect the change.

It's worth noting that the BSA is still a separate organization from the Girl Scouts of the USA, and the two organizations have different programs and policies. However, the change in name is seen as a significant step towards greater inclusivity and diversity within the scouting movement.