Bounce news apk

Bounce News is a popular news aggregator app that provides users with a curated feed of news articles from various sources. Here's a brief overview of the app:


  1. Personalized feed: Bounce News uses AI-powered algorithms to curate a personalized feed of news articles based on your interests and preferences.
  2. Multiple sources: The app aggregates news from over 1,000 sources, including major news outlets, blogs, and online publications.
  3. Real-time updates: Bounce News provides real-time updates on breaking news stories, ensuring that you stay informed about the latest developments.
  4. Customizable: You can customize your feed by selecting specific topics, sources, and languages to suit your interests.
  5. Offline reading: The app allows you to download articles for offline reading, making it a great option for those with limited internet access.

APK Download:

You can download the Bounce News APK from the official website or from reputable APK download sites. Here are the steps:

  1. Visit the Bounce News website ( and click on the "Download" button.
  2. Select the APK file that matches your device's operating system (Android or iOS).
  3. Download the APK file to your device.
  4. Go to your device's settings and enable "Unknown sources" to allow installation of APK files from outside the Google Play Store.
  5. Locate the downloaded APK file and tap on it to install the app.

System Requirements:

Bounce News is compatible with Android devices running Android 5.0 (Lollipop) or later. The app requires a minimum of 50MB of free storage space and a stable internet connection.

Reviews and Ratings:

Bounce News has received positive reviews from users, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars on the Google Play Store. Users praise the app's personalized feed, real-time updates, and user-friendly interface.


Bounce News is a great app for those who want to stay informed about the latest news and events without having to sift through multiple sources. With its personalized feed, real-time updates, and customizable features, it's an excellent option for news enthusiasts.