Bottle new york times

You're looking for the New York Times' Bottled Water section!

The New York Times has a dedicated section on bottled water, which covers news, trends, and reviews on the industry. Here are some recent articles and topics they've covered:

  1. "The Bottled Water Boom: How a Simple Idea Became a Global Phenomenon" (2020) - An in-depth look at the history and growth of the bottled water industry.
  2. "The Environmental Impact of Bottled Water" (2020) - An examination of the environmental concerns surrounding the production, transportation, and disposal of bottled water.
  3. "The Rise of Sustainable Bottled Water Brands" (2020) - A feature on eco-friendly bottled water companies that prioritize sustainability and reduce waste.
  4. "The Best Bottled Water Brands for Taste and Quality" (2020) - A review of top bottled water brands, focusing on taste, quality, and packaging.
  5. "The Future of Bottled Water: Trends and Innovations" (2020) - A look at emerging trends and innovations in the bottled water industry, such as refillable bottles and smart packaging.

You can find these articles and more by searching for "bottled water" on the New York Times website or by visiting their dedicated section on the topic.