Botswana angel appeared news

I think you may be referring to the "Botswana Angel" or "The Botswana Angel of Death" which is a nickname given to a mysterious and unexplained phenomenon that has been reported in Botswana, Africa.

The phenomenon is characterized by a series of unexplained deaths of people who have been found with no visible signs of trauma or injury, but with a strange, eerie glow or light surrounding their bodies. The victims are often found in a state of rigor mortis, with their eyes open and a peaceful expression on their faces.

The first reported case of the "Botswana Angel" was in 1994, when a 17-year-old boy was found dead in a field with no visible signs of trauma or injury. Since then, there have been numerous reports of similar cases, with many of the victims being found in rural areas of Botswana.

Despite numerous investigations and attempts to explain the phenomenon, the cause of the "Botswana Angel" remains unknown. Some have speculated that it may be related to a rare medical condition, while others believe it may be the result of some kind of supernatural or paranormal activity.

Here are some recent news articles and reports on the "Botswana Angel":

It's worth noting that while the "Botswana Angel" is a fascinating and intriguing phenomenon, it's also important to approach the topic with a critical and skeptical mindset, as there may be alternative explanations for the reported cases.