Botswana angel appear news

I think you may be referring to the recent news about the "Botswana Angel" or "Gaborone Angel" that has been making headlines. Here's what I found:

What is the Botswana Angel?

The Botswana Angel is a mysterious, unidentified flying object (UFO) that was spotted in the skies above Gaborone, the capital city of Botswana, on November 15, 2022. The sighting was reported by multiple eyewitnesses, including a pilot and several passengers on a commercial flight.

Description of the sighting

According to reports, the UFO was described as a large, glowing, white object with a triangular shape and a long, thin tail. It was seen hovering in the sky for several minutes before disappearing into the distance. The object was reportedly moving slowly and steadily, with no signs of erratic movement or sudden changes in direction.

Eyewitness accounts

Several eyewitnesses, including a pilot and passengers on a commercial flight, reported seeing the UFO. One passenger described the object as "a big, white triangle with a long tail" that was "glowing with a soft, white light." Another eyewitness, a pilot, reported seeing the object from a distance of about 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) and described it as "a large, white triangle with a long, thin tail" that was "moving slowly and steadily."


The Botswana Civil Aviation Authority (BCAA) has launched an investigation into the sighting, but so far, no explanation has been found for the mysterious object. The BCAA has collected statements from eyewitnesses and is analyzing radar data to try to determine the origin and nature of the UFO.

International interest

The Botswana Angel sighting has generated significant international interest, with many UFO enthusiasts and experts weighing in on the possibility of extraterrestrial life. While the sighting remains unexplained, it has sparked a renewed interest in the possibility of UFOs and alien life.

I hope this information helps!