Botched e news

The infamous "Botched" E! News segment!

For those who may not know, "Botched" is a popular E! News segment that highlights the most cringe-worthy, awkward, and often hilarious moments from the world of entertainment. It's like a trainwreck that you can't look away from!

The segment typically features a montage of clips showcasing celebrities' embarrassing moments, from awkward interviews to on-stage mishaps, and even some good old-fashioned celebrity feuds. It's all presented with a healthy dose of humor and snark, making it a guilty pleasure for many viewers.

Some of the most memorable "Botched" moments include:

  1. The time Kanye West stormed off stage during a Taylor Swift acceptance speech at the VMAs.
  2. The infamous "wardrobe malfunction" during Janet Jackson's halftime show performance at the Super Bowl.
  3. The awkward encounter between Jennifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep at the Oscars.
  4. The time Lady Gaga's piano collapsed during a performance on "Saturday Night Live."
  5. The cringe-worthy interview between Howard Stern and Britney Spears.

These moments, and many more like them, have become a staple of pop culture and are often referenced and parodied in other forms of media.

So, if you're looking for a good laugh and some entertaining celebrity gossip, be sure to tune in to E! News for their "Botched" segment!