Boston to new york bus

A classic route! There are several bus companies that operate from Boston to New York City, offering a range of options to suit different budgets and preferences. Here are some of the most popular options:

  1. Greyhound: Greyhound is one of the largest bus companies in the US, and they operate multiple daily departures from Boston's South Station to New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal. The journey takes around 4-5 hours, depending on traffic, and fares start at around $20.
  2. Peter Pan Bus Lines: Peter Pan is another popular bus company that operates from Boston to New York. They offer multiple daily departures from Boston's South Station to New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal, with fares starting at around $20.
  3. Megabus: Megabus is a budget-friendly option that operates from Boston's South Station to New York's Penn Station. They offer multiple daily departures, with fares starting at around $10.
  4. BoltBus: BoltBus is another budget-friendly option that operates from Boston's South Station to New York's Penn Station. They offer multiple daily departures, with fares starting at around $10.
  5. FlixBus: FlixBus is a European bus company that has expanded to the US, offering routes from Boston to New York. They operate from Boston's South Station to New York's Penn Station, with fares starting at around $20.
  6. Vamoose Bus: Vamoose Bus is a smaller, family-owned bus company that operates from Boston to New York. They offer multiple daily departures from Boston's South Station to New York's Port Authority Bus Terminal, with fares starting at around $30.

All of these bus companies offer online booking and ticketing, and you can check their schedules and fares on their respective websites. Keep in mind that prices may vary depending on the time of booking, demand, and other factors.

Before you book, consider the following:

Happy travels!