Border closure customs n2trn annual revenue target dims hope of early reopening

It seems like you're referring to a news article or report about the Nigerian government's revenue target and the impact of the border closure on customs revenue.

To summarize, the article is suggesting that the Nigerian government's annual revenue target of N2 trillion (approximately $5.5 billion USD) from customs duties may not be achievable due to the ongoing border closure. The closure, which was implemented in August 2019, has significantly reduced the volume of goods imported into the country, resulting in a decline in customs revenue.

The article is implying that the hope of reopening the borders early is dwindling due to the government's reliance on customs revenue to meet its fiscal obligations. The border closure was initially intended to curb smuggling and boost local production, but the economic impact has been severe, particularly for businesses that rely on imports.

It's worth noting that the Nigerian government has been under pressure to reopen the borders, with many stakeholders calling for a more balanced approach that balances national security concerns with the need to stimulate economic growth. However, the government has maintained that the border closure is necessary to protect the country's economy and ensure that legitimate businesses are not undercut by smugglers.

Overall, the article highlights the complex challenges facing the Nigerian government as it navigates the delicate balance between economic development and national security.