Bootstrap new class

In Bootstrap, you can create a new class by following these steps:

  1. Create a new CSS file: Create a new file in your project's CSS directory (e.g., styles.css) or add a new CSS block to your existing file.

  2. Define the class: In the new CSS file, define the class using the .class-name syntax. For example:

    .my-new-class {
    /* add your CSS properties here */

    Replace my-new-class with the name you want to give your new class.

  3. Add CSS properties: Add the CSS properties you want to define for your new class. For example:

    .my-new-class {
    background-color: #f2f2f2;
    padding: 20px;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;

    In this example, the .my-new-class class sets the background color to a light gray, adds some padding, and adds a border.

  4. Use the class in your HTML: To use your new class in your HTML, add the class name to the element you want to style. For example:

    <div class="my-new-class">This element has the new class!</div>
  5. Compile and refresh: Compile your CSS file (if you're using a build tool like Webpack or Gulp) and refresh your browser to see the changes.



.my-new-class:hover {
  background-color: #ccc;

This will change the background color of the element to a light gray when you hover over it.