Boot new os on external hard drive

A great question!

You can boot a new operating system (OS) from an external hard drive, but it requires some preparation and configuration. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you achieve this:


  1. External hard drive: You'll need an external hard drive with enough free space to install the new OS. Make sure it's compatible with your computer's USB port.
  2. New OS: Choose the operating system you want to install, such as Linux, macOS, or Windows.
  3. Computer: Ensure your computer is compatible with the new OS and has a compatible BIOS or UEFI firmware.

Step 1: Prepare the external hard drive

  1. Format the external hard drive: Use a tool like Disk Utility (on macOS) or Disk Management (on Windows) to format the external hard drive. This will erase all data on the drive, so make sure you have backed up any important files.
  2. Create a partition: Divide the formatted hard drive into two partitions: one for the new OS and another for data storage. You can use a tool like GParted (on Linux) or Disk Utility (on macOS) to create the partitions.

Step 2: Download and prepare the new OS

  1. Download the new OS: Get the ISO file of the new OS from the official website or a reputable source.
  2. Create a bootable USB drive: Use a tool like Rufus (on Windows) or Etcher (on macOS/Linux) to create a bootable USB drive from the ISO file.

Step 3: Configure your computer to boot from the external hard drive

  1. Enter your computer's BIOS settings: Restart your computer and press the key to enter the BIOS settings (usually F2, F12, or Del).
  2. Set the external hard drive as the first boot device: Use the BIOS settings to set the external hard drive as the first boot device. Save the changes and exit the BIOS settings.
  3. Restart your computer: Your computer should now boot from the external hard drive.

Step 4: Install the new OS

  1. Follow the installation prompts: The new OS will start installing. Follow the prompts to select the language, keyboard layout, and other settings.
  2. Install the OS on the external hard drive: The installation process will copy the OS files to the external hard drive.

Step 5: Configure your computer to boot from the new OS

  1. Enter your computer's BIOS settings again: Restart your computer and enter the BIOS settings.
  2. Set the new OS as the default boot option: Use the BIOS settings to set the new OS as the default boot option. Save the changes and exit the BIOS settings.
  3. Restart your computer: Your computer should now boot directly into the new OS.

Tips and considerations:

By following these steps, you should be able to boot a new OS from an external hard drive. Good luck!