Books p4 new game plus

You're referring to the "New Game Plus" (NG+) feature in the game "Books"!

In NG+, you can replay the game with your existing character, but with some changes to make it more challenging and exciting. Here are some key differences:

  1. Increased difficulty: Enemies become stronger, and their attacks become more frequent and intense.
  2. New challenges: New obstacles, puzzles, and mini-games are introduced to test your skills.
  3. Rewarded experience: You'll earn more experience points, gold, and other rewards for completing challenges and defeating enemies.
  4. New items and equipment: You'll have access to new items, weapons, and armor, which can be used to enhance your character's abilities.
  5. Alternative story paths: NG+ may offer alternative story paths or branching storylines, allowing you to experience the game from a different perspective.

By replaying the game in NG+, you can:

Keep in mind that the specific changes and features in NG+ may vary depending on the game and its developers.