Books like eric schmidt the new digital age

If you enjoyed "The New Digital Age" by Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, you may like other books that explore the intersection of technology, society, and politics. Here are some recommendations:

  1. "Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence" by Max Tegmark - This book explores the potential of artificial intelligence to transform human society and offers insights on how to navigate this new era.
  2. "The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life" by David Brooks - While not exclusively focused on technology, this book explores the challenges of living in a rapidly changing world and offers guidance on how to build a meaningful life.
  3. "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" by Klaus Schwab - This book provides an overview of the technological advancements that are transforming industries and societies around the world.
  4. "The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future" by Kevin Kelly - This book explores the 12 technological forces that will shape our future, from artificial intelligence to biotechnology.
  5. "The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology" by Ray Kurzweil - This classic book explores the potential of exponential technological growth to transform human society and offers insights on how to prepare for the future.
  6. "Life After Google: The Fall of Big Tech and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy" by George Gilder - This book explores the potential of blockchain technology to transform industries and societies, and offers insights on how to navigate the changing landscape.
  7. "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power" by Shoshana Zuboff - This book explores the impact of surveillance capitalism on society and offers insights on how to reclaim our privacy and autonomy.
  8. "The Digital Diet: The 4-Step Plan to Break Your Tech Addiction and Regain Balance in Your Life" by Daniel Sieberg - This book offers practical advice on how to manage our relationship with technology and maintain a healthy balance in our lives.
  9. "The Future of Humanity: The Next 50 Years" by Michio Kaku - This book explores the potential of technological advancements to transform human society and offers insights on how to prepare for the future.
  10. "The AI Delusion" by Gary Marcus - This book offers a critical perspective on the current state of artificial intelligence and explores the potential risks and challenges associated with its development.

These books offer a range of perspectives on the impact of technology on society and politics, and can provide valuable insights for anyone interested in understanding the rapidly changing world we live in.