Book a new power

Exciting! Let's book a new power for you!

To get started, I'll need to know a bit more about what kind of power you're interested in. Please choose one of the following options:

  1. Elemental Power: Choose an element like fire, water, earth, air, or aether (a magical element).
  2. Energy Manipulation: Can you manipulate energy in various forms, such as kinetic, thermal, or electromagnetic?
  3. Telekinetic: Can you move objects with your mind?
  4. Shapeshifting: Can you transform into different forms, like animals or objects?
  5. Illusions: Can you create powerful illusions to deceive or mislead others?
  6. Healing: Can you heal wounds or ailments in yourself or others?
  7. Telepathy: Can you read or control minds?
  8. Time Manipulation: Can you manipulate time, slowing it down or speeding it up?
  9. Space Manipulation: Can you manipulate space, teleporting or creating portals?
  10. Other: Do you have a specific power in mind that's not listed here?

Please respond with the number of your chosen power, and we'll start building your new ability!