Bonus for new customers

Here are some ideas for bonuses that can be offered to new customers:

  1. Discount on first purchase: Offer a percentage off their first purchase, such as 10% or 20% off.
  2. Free shipping: Provide free shipping on their first order to make their initial purchase more appealing.
  3. Free trial or sample: Offer a free trial or sample of a product or service to give them a taste of what you have to offer.
  4. Exclusive access to new products: Give new customers early access to new products or services before they are available to the general public.
  5. Double or triple points: Offer double or triple points on their first purchase, which can be redeemed for rewards or discounts later.
  6. Gift with purchase: Include a free gift with their first purchase, such as a small product or a gift card.
  7. Extended warranty or guarantee: Offer an extended warranty or guarantee on their first purchase to give them peace of mind.
  8. Free consultation or assessment: Offer a free consultation or assessment to help them get started with your product or service.
  9. Bonus loyalty points: Give new customers a bonus amount of loyalty points that can be redeemed for rewards or discounts later.
  10. Exclusive content or resources: Offer exclusive content or resources, such as a free eBook or webinar, to help them get started with your product or service.
  11. Discount on a specific product: Offer a discount on a specific product that is popular among new customers.
  12. Free upgrade: Offer a free upgrade to a higher-level product or service, such as a premium subscription or a higher-end product.
  13. Referral credit: Give new customers a referral credit that can be used to refer friends and family to your business.
  14. Exclusive access to events: Offer exclusive access to events, such as webinars or workshops, that are only available to new customers.
  15. Personalized onboarding: Offer personalized onboarding to help new customers get started with your product or service, such as a dedicated customer success manager.

Remember to choose a bonus that aligns with your business goals and target audience, and make sure to communicate the bonus clearly to new customers.