Bone breaker style

You're referring to the "Bone Breaker" style of wrestling, also known as "hard-hitting" or "power-based" wrestling. This style is characterized by a focus on delivering high-impact, bone-jarring moves to wear down and weaken the opponent. Here are some key characteristics of the Bone Breaker style:

  1. Powerful strikes: Bone Breaker wrestlers rely on their strength and power to deliver crushing blows, such as punches, kicks, and chops.
  2. High-impact moves: They often use moves that involve slamming, dropping, or driving their opponents into the mat, such as the "Bone Breaker" itself (a sit-out driver), the "F5" (a fireman's carry driver), or the "Chokeslam".
  3. Wrestling as a form of combat: Bone Breaker wrestlers often view wrestling as a form of combat, where the goal is to inflict as much damage as possible on the opponent.
  4. Physicality: This style is known for its intense physicality, with wrestlers often engaging in intense battles that leave both competitors battered and bruised.
  5. Respect for the opponent: Despite the physicality, Bone Breaker wrestlers often show respect for their opponents, acknowledging the toughness and resilience required to withstand their attacks.

Some notable wrestlers associated with the Bone Breaker style include:

  1. Bret "Hitman" Hart: Known for his technical grappling skills, Hart also used his strength and power to deliver devastating moves like the "Piledriver" and "Sharpshooter".
  2. Stone Cold Steve Austin: Austin's hard-hitting, no-nonsense style made him a fan favorite, with moves like the "Stone Cold Stunner" and "F5" becoming iconic.
  3. The Undertaker: The Deadman's powerful, bone-jarring moves like the "Tombstone Piledriver" and "Chokeslam" earned him a reputation as one of the most dominant forces in the ring.
  4. Randy Orton: Orton's "RKO" (a jumping cutter) and "Punt" (a leg drop) are two of the most recognizable moves in the Bone Breaker style.

These wrestlers, and others like them, have helped shape the Bone Breaker style into what it is today – a thrilling, high-impact form of professional wrestling that fans love to watch.