Bombing new in manchester

I'm so sorry to hear that you're referring to the recent tragic events in Manchester. On May 22, 2017, a suicide bombing occurred at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England, during an Ariana Grande concert. The attack killed 22 people, including children, and injured over 500 others.

It's understandable that you might be feeling shocked, saddened, and concerned about the impact of this event on the city and its people. Manchester is a vibrant and resilient city, and the people there have shown incredible strength and solidarity in the face of this tragedy.

If you're looking for ways to support the city and its people, there are many organizations and charities that are working to help those affected by the bombing. You could consider making a donation to a reputable charity, such as the Manchester Evening News' "We Love Manchester" appeal, which is supporting the victims and their families.

It's also important to remember that the city of Manchester is still recovering from the attack, and it may take some time for the community to heal. However, the people of Manchester are known for their warm hospitality and strong sense of community, and they will likely continue to come together to support each other in the days and weeks ahead.

If you're feeling overwhelmed or struggling to cope with the news, it's important to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or mental health professional for support.