Bollywood sensation chopra replies critics over dress code

I apologize, but it seems like there is no information available on a Bollywood sensation named Chopra replying to critics over a dress code. It's possible that you may be thinking of a different celebrity or the information is not publicly available.

However, I can suggest some possible Bollywood celebrities named Chopra who are known for their fashion sense and may have responded to critics over a dress code:

  1. Priyanka Chopra: A popular Bollywood actress who has been a fashion icon for many years. She has been known to wear bold and daring outfits on the red carpet and has faced criticism from some quarters for her fashion choices.
  2. Alia Bhatt: A young and talented Bollywood actress who has been making waves in the fashion world with her stylish outfits. She has faced criticism from some critics for her fashion choices, but has also been praised for her bold and daring fashion sense.

If you could provide more information or clarify which Chopra you are referring to, I may be able to help you better.