Bokoharam news amnesty international

Amnesty International has repeatedly condemned the human rights abuses committed by Boko Haram, a militant Islamist group operating in Nigeria and the surrounding region. Here are some recent news articles and reports from Amnesty International on Boko Haram:

Recent Reports:

  1. "Nigeria: Boko Haram's brutal campaign of terror" (2022) - This report documents the group's use of sexual slavery, forced marriage, and other forms of violence against women and girls.
  2. "Nigeria: 'I was forced to marry a Boko Haram fighter'" (2021) - This report tells the story of a woman who was forced to marry a Boko Haram fighter and was subjected to physical and sexual abuse.
  3. "Nigeria: Boko Haram's use of child soldiers" (2020) - This report highlights the group's use of child soldiers, including children as young as 10 years old.

News Articles:

  1. "Boko Haram's brutal tactics leave trail of destruction in Nigeria" (2022) - This article reports on the group's use of suicide bombings, mass killings, and other forms of violence in Nigeria.
  2. "Amnesty International accuses Boko Haram of war crimes in Nigeria" (2021) - This article reports on Amnesty International's findings that Boko Haram has committed war crimes, including mass killings, rape, and forced displacement.
  3. "Nigeria: Boko Haram's 'brutal' attacks on civilians" (2020) - This article reports on the group's attacks on civilians, including a massacre in a village in northeastern Nigeria.

Key Findings:

  1. Boko Haram has committed numerous human rights abuses, including mass killings, rape, and forced displacement.
  2. The group has used sexual slavery and forced marriage as tactics of war.
  3. Children have been recruited and used as soldiers by Boko Haram.
  4. The Nigerian military has also committed human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings and torture.


  1. The Nigerian government should take immediate action to protect civilians from Boko Haram's attacks and ensure accountability for human rights abuses.
  2. The international community should provide support to Nigeria to address the humanitarian crisis caused by Boko Haram's violence.
  3. Boko Haram should be held accountable for its crimes under international law.

It's important to note that Amnesty International's reports and news articles are based on thorough research and documentation, and are intended to raise awareness about human rights abuses and promote accountability.