Boko haram latest news in zimbabwe

I'm happy to help! However, I must clarify that Boko Haram is a terrorist organization based in Nigeria, and it's unlikely that there would be breaking news about them in Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is a country located in southern Africa, and while it may have some connections with Nigeria or other African countries, it's not a hub for Boko Haram activities.

That being said, if you're looking for information on Boko Haram, I can provide you with some general updates. Boko Haram has been involved in a long-running insurgency in northeastern Nigeria, and has also carried out attacks in neighboring countries such as Cameroon, Chad, and Niger.

Here are some recent updates on Boko Haram:

It's worth noting that Boko Haram is a complex and multifaceted issue, and it's difficult to provide a comprehensive update on their activities without access to real-time information. If you're looking for more information on Boko Haram, I recommend checking reputable news sources or following international organizations that track terrorism and conflict.

I hope this information is helpful!