Boko haram inter faith clerics embark on church mosque love campaign solicits support for military

I think there may be some confusion here. Boko Haram is a terrorist group known for its violent attacks on Christians and other religious minorities in Nigeria, and it's highly unlikely that they would embark on a campaign to promote love and unity between churches and mosques.

In fact, Boko Haram's ideology is based on a radical interpretation of Islam that rejects the idea of peaceful coexistence with non-Muslims. Their actions have caused immense suffering and destruction in Nigeria, and they have been responsible for numerous attacks on churches, mosques, and other religious institutions.

It's possible that you may be referring to a different group or initiative that is promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. If that's the case, I would be happy to help you find more information about it.

However, I must emphasize that any initiative or campaign that seeks to promote love and unity between churches and mosques in Nigeria must be carefully evaluated and monitored to ensure that it is genuine and not a front for extremist or terrorist activities.

In any case, I would like to emphasize the importance of promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding between different religious groups in Nigeria. It's essential for building a more harmonious and peaceful society, and for addressing the root causes of conflict and violence in the region.