Boko haram commanders killed in lake chad by air strike

According to reports, a recent air strike by the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) has resulted in the killing of several Boko Haram commanders in Lake Chad.

The air strike, which was carried out on February 18, targeted a Boko Haram camp in the Lake Chad region, where several high-ranking commanders were reportedly hiding. The strike was part of a joint operation between the Nigerian military and the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) to degrade the terrorist group's capabilities.

The killed commanders include:

  1. Abba Umar, a senior Boko Haram commander and one of the group's most wanted leaders.
  2. Abu Fatima, a top commander and a key figure in the group's operations in the Lake Chad region.
  3. Mamman Nur, a senior commander and a former leader of the group's faction in the Sambisa Forest.

The air strike is believed to have been carried out using a Nigerian Air Force Alpha Jet aircraft, which dropped bombs on the Boko Haram camp. The strike was reportedly successful, with multiple commanders and fighters killed or injured.

The killing of these commanders is seen as a significant blow to Boko Haram's leadership and operations in the region. The group has been responsible for numerous attacks and kidnappings in the Lake Chad region, including the abduction of hundreds of schoolgirls in Chibok in 2014.

The Nigerian military has been conducting a sustained campaign against Boko Haram in recent years, with the support of regional and international partners. The group has been weakened significantly, but it still maintains a presence in the region and continues to carry out attacks.

The killing of these commanders is a significant achievement for the Nigerian military and a major setback for Boko Haram. It is hoped that the strike will further weaken the group's capabilities and contribute to the restoration of peace and stability in the region.