Boki new yam festival

I think you meant "Boki New Yam Festival"!

The Boki New Yam Festival is a traditional festival celebrated by the Boki people, an ethnic group from Cross River State, Nigeria. The festival is a significant cultural event that marks the beginning of the new yam harvest season.

Here are some interesting facts about the Boki New Yam Festival:

  1. Purpose: The festival is a celebration of the yam harvest, which is a staple crop in the Boki community. It marks the end of the dry season and the beginning of the new yam harvest season.
  2. Duration: The festival usually lasts for three days, with various activities and ceremonies taking place during this period.
  3. Preparations: Before the festival, the Boki people prepare by cleaning their homes, cooking traditional dishes, and decorating their surroundings with colorful fabrics and decorations.
  4. Traditional attire: During the festival, the Boki people wear their traditional attire, which includes colorful robes, head ties, and beads.
  5. Ceremonies: The festival features various ceremonies, including the traditional yam cutting ceremony, where the first yam is cut and shared among the community. Other ceremonies include traditional dances, music, and storytelling.
  6. Food: Traditional dishes such as pounded yam, egusi soup, and plantain are served during the festival.
  7. Significance: The Boki New Yam Festival is significant because it brings the community together, promotes cultural heritage, and celebrates the harvest season.
  8. Tourism: The festival has become a popular tourist attraction, with visitors from all over Nigeria and beyond coming to experience the rich culture and traditions of the Boki people.

Overall, the Boki New Yam Festival is a vibrant and colorful celebration that showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Boki people.