Boeing unveils a new 737 max

I think there may be some confusion here!

Boeing has not unveiled a new 737 MAX. In fact, the 737 MAX has been grounded since March 2019 following two fatal crashes, and Boeing has been working to address the safety issues and regulatory concerns related to the aircraft.

While Boeing has been working on a number of initiatives to improve the safety and performance of the 737 MAX, including software updates and pilot training, there has been no official announcement about a new version of the aircraft.

In fact, in November 2020, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified the 737 MAX to return to service, and the aircraft has been gradually being reintroduced into commercial service by airlines around the world.

So, while Boeing may be working on future developments and improvements to the 737 family, there is no new 737 MAX to unveil at this time.