Boc madaki new videos

Boc Madaki is a popular Nigerian musician, and I'd be happy to help you with his new videos!

As of my knowledge cutoff, Boc Madaki has released several new videos recently. Here are a few of them:

  1. "Kokoro" (2022) - This is a high-energy song with a catchy beat and thought-provoking lyrics. The music video features Boc Madaki performing the song in a colorful setting with dancers and backup singers.
  2. "Gwaska" (2022) - This song is a fusion of traditional Hausa music with modern Afrobeats. The music video showcases Boc Madaki's energetic performance, with scenes of him dancing and singing in a vibrant setting.
  3. "Babban Gwaska" (2022) - This song is a follow-up to "Gwaska" and features a similar blend of traditional and modern styles. The music video is a fun, upbeat celebration of Hausa culture.
  4. "Kokoro (Remix)" (2022) - This remix features a guest appearance by Nigerian rapper, Zlatan Ibile. The music video is a high-energy, dance-filled celebration with cameos from other artists.

Please note that these videos might not be available on all platforms or regions. You can try searching for them on YouTube, TikTok, or other music streaming platforms.

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