Boc madaki new songs 2019 download

Boc Madaki is a popular Nigerian musician, and I can help you with that!

Here are some of his new songs from 2019 that you can download:

  1. "Kokoro" - This is one of his most popular songs from 2019, and it's a great blend of Hausa and English lyrics.
  2. "Gidan Badamasi" - Another hit song from 2019, this one features a catchy chorus and a fusion of traditional Hausa music with modern Afrobeats.
  3. "Kwana" - This song is a slow jam that showcases Boc Madaki's vocal range and emotional delivery.
  4. "Gyara" - This song is an upbeat track with a catchy hook and a lively rhythm.
  5. "Kokoro (Remix)" - This is a remix of his popular song "Kokoro", featuring a new verse and a fresh production.

You can find these songs on various music streaming platforms like:

Just search for "Boc Madaki" and you should be able to find his songs. Enjoy!