Bobrisky old vs new photos

Bobrisky, a popular Nigerian cross-dresser and social media influencer, has been in the spotlight for his dramatic transformations over the years. Here are some old vs new photos of Bobrisky:

Old Photos:

  1. Early days (2016-2017): Bobrisky's early photos show him with a more masculine appearance, with a fuller beard and a more rugged look.

[Image: Bobrisky's early days on Instagram]

  1. Before the transformation (2018): In these photos, Bobrisky's features are more defined, with a stronger jawline and a more angular face shape.

[Image: Bobrisky's pre-transformation photos on Instagram]

New Photos:

  1. Post-transformation (2019-2020): After undergoing extensive plastic surgery and makeup, Bobrisky's appearance has changed dramatically. He now has a more feminine face shape, with a smoother complexion and a more delicate jawline.

[Image: Bobrisky's post-transformation photos on Instagram]

  1. Recent photos (2021-present): In his recent photos, Bobrisky's appearance has continued to evolve, with a more refined and polished look. He often sports a sleek, high-glamour makeup look and has a more slender physique.

[Image: Bobrisky's recent photos on Instagram]

It's worth noting that Bobrisky's transformations have been met with both praise and criticism from fans and critics alike. While some admire his confidence and willingness to take risks with his appearance, others have expressed concerns about the potential risks and consequences of his extensive plastic surgery and makeup use.

What do you think about Bobrisky's transformations? Do you think he's a trailblazer or a cautionary tale?