Bobrisky old pictures and new

Bobrisky is a popular Nigerian cross-dresser and social media influencer. Here are some old and new pictures of him:

Old Pictures:

  1. This is one of Bobrisky's earliest pictures on social media, taken in 2016 when he was still a relatively unknown figure.
  2. In this picture, taken in 2017, Bobrisky is seen posing with a friend, showcasing his signature bold makeup and fashion sense.
  3. This picture, taken in 2018, shows Bobrisky in a more natural setting, without his usual heavy makeup and wigs.

New Pictures:

  1. In this recent picture, taken in 2022, Bobrisky is seen posing in a stunning outfit, complete with a bold red lip and dramatic eye makeup.
  2. This picture, taken in 2021, shows Bobrisky in a more relaxed setting, lounging on a couch and showcasing his signature style.
  3. In this picture, taken in 2020, Bobrisky is seen posing in a glamorous outfit, complete with a sequined dress and statement jewelry.

Some Interesting Facts:

I hope you enjoy these pictures!