Boards of canada new album

Exciting news! Boards of Canada, the beloved Scottish electronic music duo, has indeed released a new album!

On March 22, 2022, they dropped their long-awaited sixth studio album, titled "Music Has the Right to Children (Remastered)".

This album is a re-release of their 1998 debut album, "Music Has the Right to Children", which has been remastered and re-packaged with additional tracks and remixes. The album features some of their most iconic and beloved tracks, such as "Turquoise Hexagon Sun", "Sixtyten", and "Rue the Whirl".

The duo, composed of Mike Sandison and Marcus Eoin, is known for their unique blend of psychedelic, ambient, and IDM (Intelligent Dance Music) sounds, often incorporating elements of nature, nostalgia, and storytelling into their music.

While this new release is not a brand-new album, it's still a significant event for fans of the duo, offering a fresh perspective on their classic work.

Would you like to know more about Boards of Canada's discography, or perhaps explore some of their most popular tracks?