Boarding school in new york for boys

Here are some top boarding schools in New York for boys:

  1. Phillips Academy Andover (Andover, MA, but has a campus in New York City): A prestigious boarding school with a strong focus on academics, athletics, and community service.
  2. The Lawrenceville School (Lawrenceville, NJ, but has a campus in New York City): A highly selective boarding school with a strong emphasis on academic rigor, extracurricular activities, and character development.
  3. The Harvey School (Harvey, NY): A co-ed boarding school with a focus on academic excellence, athletics, and outdoor education.
  4. The Storm King School (New Windsor, NY): A boarding school with a focus on academic achievement, outdoor education, and community service.
  5. The Putney School (Putney, VT, but has a campus in New York City): A progressive boarding school with a focus on academic rigor, outdoor education, and community service.
  6. The Gunnery (Washington, CT, but has a campus in New York City): A co-ed boarding school with a focus on academic excellence, athletics, and extracurricular activities.
  7. The Masters School (Dobbs Ferry, NY): A co-ed boarding school with a focus on academic achievement, athletics, and community service.
  8. The Riverdale Country School (Riverdale, NY): A co-ed boarding school with a focus on academic excellence, athletics, and extracurricular activities.
  9. The Horace Mann School (Riverdale, NY): A co-ed boarding school with a focus on academic achievement, athletics, and community service.
  10. The Collegiate School (New York, NY): A co-ed boarding school with a focus on academic excellence, athletics, and extracurricular activities.

These are just a few examples of the many excellent boarding schools in New York for boys. It's essential to research each school thoroughly to find the best fit for your child's academic, social, and emotional needs.