Board exams for medical residency training in new zealand

In New Zealand, the board exams for medical residency training are administered by the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP). Here's an overview of the exams:

Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) Exams:

  1. Fellowship Examination (FRACP): This is the final exam for specialist training in internal medicine, pediatrics, and other specialties. The exam is divided into two parts:
    • Part 1: Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) that test knowledge and understanding of medical sciences and clinical medicine.
    • Part 2: Clinical exam that assesses the candidate's ability to apply medical knowledge in a clinical setting.
  2. Certificate of Advanced Training (CAT): This is a prerequisite for Part 2 of the FRACP exam. It requires completion of a minimum of 3 years of advanced training in a specific specialty.

Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Exams:

  1. Membership Examination (MRCGP): This is the final exam for general practice training. The exam consists of:
    • Part 1: MCQs that test knowledge and understanding of general practice and primary care.
    • Part 2: Clinical exam that assesses the candidate's ability to apply general practice skills in a clinical setting.
    • Part 3: A workplace-based assessment that evaluates the candidate's ability to work as a general practitioner.

Other Exams:

  1. New Zealand Medical Council (NZMC) Exam: This exam is required for international medical graduates (IMGs) who wish to register with the Medical Council of New Zealand. The exam tests the candidate's knowledge of medical sciences, clinical medicine, and New Zealand's medical standards.
  2. Postgraduate Diploma in Primary Care (PGDipPC): This is a postgraduate diploma offered by the University of Auckland that focuses on primary care and general practice. The diploma is designed for general practitioners and other healthcare professionals who want to enhance their skills and knowledge in primary care.


Please note that the exam timeline may vary depending on individual circumstances and the specific training program. It's essential to check with the relevant colleges and organizations for the most up-to-date information on exam requirements and timelines.