Blueprint news today

Here are some recent news articles related to blueprints:

Architecture and Construction

  1. New York City's First Supertall Skyscraper: The Central Park Tower, a 131-story skyscraper, has been completed in Manhattan. The building's blueprint features a unique design with a cantilevered floor plate and a rooftop park. (Source: Architectural Digest)
  2. Sustainable Building Design: A new blueprint for sustainable building design has been released by the World Green Building Council. The guide provides a framework for architects and builders to create environmentally friendly buildings. (Source: The Guardian)

Technology and Innovation

  1. 3D Printing in Construction: A new company, Mighty Buildings, has developed a blueprint for 3D printing entire buildings using a combination of concrete and fiberglass. The technology could revolutionize the construction industry. (Source: Fast Company)
  2. Smart Home Automation: A new blueprint for smart home automation has been released by the Zigbee Alliance. The guide provides a framework for developers to create interoperable smart home devices. (Source: CNET)


  1. Historic Blueprint Preservation: The Library of Congress has launched a new initiative to preserve historic blueprints and architectural drawings. The project aims to digitize and conserve over 1 million blueprints. (Source: Smithsonian Magazine)
  2. Blueprint for a Sustainable Future: A new report by the United Nations has outlined a blueprint for a sustainable future, including goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable development. (Source: UN News)

These are just a few examples of recent news articles related to blueprints. If you're looking for more information on a specific topic, feel free to ask!