Bloomberg smashes campaign spending record

You're referring to the 2020 US presidential election!

Yes, Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire founder of Bloomberg LP, shattered the record for the most money spent on a presidential campaign in US history. According to reports, Bloomberg spent a staggering $1.8 billion on his Democratic primary campaign, surpassing the previous record held by Donald Trump in 2016.

Bloomberg's campaign spending was largely self-funded, with the majority of his funds coming from his own pocket. He poured millions of dollars into television ads, digital marketing, and grassroots organizing efforts across the country.

Here's a breakdown of Bloomberg's campaign spending:

Bloomberg's massive spending spree was aimed at trying to win the Democratic nomination, but ultimately, he dropped out of the race in March 2020 and endorsed Joe Biden. Despite his significant investment, Bloomberg's campaign never gained much traction, and he failed to win a single primary or caucus.

It's worth noting that while Bloomberg's spending record is impressive, it's also raised concerns about the influence of money in politics and the potential for self-funded candidates to outspend their opponents.