Bloomberg new economy video

Bloomberg New Economy is a video series that explores the latest trends, innovations, and challenges shaping the global economy. Here are some popular Bloomberg New Economy videos:

  1. "The Future of Work": This video explores the impact of automation, artificial intelligence, and robotics on the job market and the future of work.
  2. "The Rise of E-commerce": This video examines the growth of e-commerce and its impact on traditional retail, logistics, and supply chains.
  3. "The Energy Transition": This video discusses the shift towards renewable energy sources, electric vehicles, and the implications for fossil fuels and the energy industry.
  4. "The Future of Finance": This video explores the impact of fintech, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies on the financial services industry.
  5. "The Global Trade War": This video analyzes the effects of the ongoing trade tensions between the US, China, and other countries on global trade and the economy.
  6. "The Impact of Climate Change": This video examines the economic and social implications of climate change, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and the need for sustainable infrastructure.
  7. "The Future of Cities": This video explores the challenges and opportunities facing cities in the 21st century, including urbanization, sustainability, and innovation.
  8. "The Rise of Emerging Markets": This video discusses the growth of emerging markets, including China, India, and Africa, and their impact on the global economy.
  9. "The Future of Healthcare": This video examines the impact of technology, demographics, and policy changes on the healthcare industry and the future of medicine.
  10. "The Global Economic Outlook": This video provides an analysis of the current state of the global economy, including trends, risks, and opportunities.

These are just a few examples of the many thought-provoking videos available on Bloomberg New Economy. You can find more videos on their website or on YouTube.